Life Skills for Daisies through Cadettes!

As a Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast Community Event Provider, Good Friend has programs specific for Daisies, Brownies, Juniors, and Cadettes. Outside our service area? No problem! As long as you have access to a web-enabled A/V system, we can connect remotely to deliver interactive, real-time content.

Our in-person (or remotely delivered) autism awareness-acceptance-empathy programs connect specifically with your girls on these levels:


Vi, Tula, and Zinni petals will be inspired to welcome new friends, appreciate differences while recognizing similarities, demonstrate caring behavior and stand up to unkind words and behavior!


Brownies will learn to work together and be a good friend. They will be inspired to Take Action - perhaps install a buddy bench or start a friendship club at school!


Juniors will realize the power they have to make a difference! They will be inspired to Take Action - perhaps to start an initiative to befriend new people or prevent bullying behaviors!


Cadettes will see media with a positive message about autism and difference. They will learn peer interaction and relationship-building skills, and be inspired to TAke Action to encourage kindness!

Each workshop costs $125 regardless of the number of participants (minimum of 10 girls in person or 5 for virtual workshops, and maximum of 50 in person or 25 for virtual workshops, same level).

We can bring the A/V technology we need to you or tap into your meeting space’s existing resources to conduct our program, which includes:

  • An interactive, multi-media presentation that includes a screening of a 20-minute peer education film (“We ALL Fit” for Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors, or “Choosing to Be a Good Friend” for Cadettes).

    • 30 minutes for Daisies

    • 45 minutes for Brownies

    • 60 minutes for Juniors or Cadettes

  • An informative takeaway *plus* an “I am a Good Friend” participation patch for each of your girls.

Get in Touch!

Let us know how we can partner with you! For questions or more info, please fill out the form or reach out to Program Director Chelsea Budde:
